We're Official!
Now that we have our brand new website built by our own hosts, Lucio Leone and Alex Sappe, we'll be getting a constant stream of content posted here from now on. Get ready for...
Weekly! episodes of the Third and Long Podcast (NFL), hosted by Lucio Leone, Jesse Campbell, and Alex Sappe, starting mid to late August!
Bi-weekly!! episodes of the Footballistically Speaking Podcast (EPL), hosted by Lucio Leone, Alex Sappe, and Mike Kane, starting early to mid August!
And random!!!!!!!!!! episodes of the Going 5-Hole Podcast (NHL), hosted by Mike Kane and Dennis Malles (We're hoping for at least bi-weekly episodes but who knows when these two lazy buffoons are doing with their section...who invited them anyway...)!
The dates it's looking like our podcast seasons will start are:
Third and Long: Wednesday, August 27th
Footballistically Speaking: Monday, August 11th
Going 5-Hole: ???????????? (Shooting for somewhere between 10/1 and 10/8)
All of this has probably already made this the greatest news you've ever heard...but wait! There's more! (Yes, I know...I'm almost done though) Now that we're official, we're now on iTunes! You can subscribe to our podcast network (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/three-by-five-sports-network/id896879341?mt=2) so you'll never miss an episode.
All of us here at Three By Five Sports Network look forward to providing all of this content and hope that you enjoy it and keep listening!
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